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Manga Review

Book Cover

Mamotte! Lollipop
Volume 4


Author: Michiyo Kikuta
Artist: Michiyo Kikuta
RRP: £6.99, US $10.95
ISBN: 978 0 099 50687 4
Ages: 13+
Available 02 January 2008

Nina has accidentally swallowed a magic pearl, which forms part of the wizard’s exam. Zero and Ichi have been sent to earth to guard her, so what’s a girl going to do with two boys.. The gang is enlarged by Sun, who is occasionally frightening and her friend Forte who likes to cross dress. To complicate the romantic side of the story Rokka is in love with Ichi, even though she is only five years old. She, in turn, is supported by Go, her servant, who will apparently do anything for her. Being a vital part of the final exam more teams are starting to appear to challenge Zero and Ichi and endanger Nina. And so the story continues...

In Mamotte! Lollipop: Volume 4, Michiyo Kikuta has sensibly ended the whole issue of the pearl; let’s face it there was only so much that could be written before it became boring.

So in POP 15, Time to Say Goodbye, we are introduced to a new character, Rill, who can see the future and finally shows Nina that she will give up the pearl. But how and why is left a mystery. This obviously changes the direction and dynamic of the story.

Pop 16, Changing the Future, and though it’s a bit convoluted, Nina eventually decides to stay with the boys and they with her. The only other thing of note is that Rill cannot see her future - meaning that it will be whatever she wants it to be.

Pop 17, Passing the Magic Exam: Well you didn’t really think they wouldn’t.

Pop 18, Boogie Woogie I love You, and the story takes a little hiatus, presenting a fairly average school tale, before the book finally kicks off in its new direction.

One of the nice things about the book, apart from its almost frenetic artwork and humour, is the small asides which are dotted throughout. Kikuta adds in her own personal perspective about creating the manga, as well as fans requests to see the characters dressed differently. One would presume that not all requests are accommodated on the grounds of decency and taste. Although the book does contain nudity it is invariably presented in a tasteful way.

Volume 4 is a bit of a bumper issue and includes four chapters, two bonus stories and three mini stories. If you like your manga saccharine sweet then this one might be for you.


Charles Packer

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