Graphic Novel
Judge Dredd
Goodnight Kiss

Author: Garth Ennis, Nick Percival, Sean Phillips & Greg Staples
Titan Books
ISBN 1-84023-346-X
Available now

Judge Dredd takes on the might of the Cursed Earth's self appointed law makers the Brotherhood of Marshals. This time around it looks as though Dredd has met his match...

Yet again Titan Books and 2000 AD have joined forces to reprint some of the future lawman's greatest stories from the pages of 2000 AD. Goodnight Kiss finally sees the artwork of Nick Percival, Sean Philips and Greg Staples given the lush treatment it so rightly deserves.

While I still have a special place in my heart for 2000 AD (I grew up on this stuff) Titan's reprints add so much more depth and beauty to the original work.

While we were supposed to digest these stories in weekly bite-sized chunks they work so much better as a continuous story - I have no idea how I managed to keep a breast of what was going on from one week to the next when I subscribed to 2000 AD.

Yet another fine effort from Titan, it's just a shame that you can read these in under an hour.

Pete Boomer

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