Red Planet

Starring: Val Kilmer and Carrie-Anne Moss
Warner Home Video
Certificate: 12
Available now

The year is 2050 and Commander Kate Bowman (Carrie-Anne Moss) is the pilot and commander of the human race's most important mission - a mission that will help to save life on planet Earth. With her crew Bowman is heading to Mars to mend the malfunctioning Mars Terraforming project. But something is wrong and whatever it is is not good...

Red Planet starts well and builds from that point to a fairly refreshing conclusion. Not only do the crew have to contend with fixing the terraforming machinery, but they also have find a way of surviving the oxygen free planet after their craft crash lands; stay hidden from a rogue robotic killing machine; and make it home in one piece.

This was one of those movies that at its theatrical release I avoided like the plague. This was solely for the reason that it seemed to get such bad reviews. However this movie is everything you would expect from a Hollywood blockbuster.

Kilmer is at his best as the tough guy, no-nonsense kick-ass hero and he strolls effortlessly from one scene to the next without even a hint of ham!

If you want an enjoyable no-brainer then this is the movie for you. Pretty impressive stuff with excellent special effects.

Darren Rea


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